Hugo Meunier, the founder of Merci Raymond, answered our questions for the Opinel anniversary. 


HUGO MEUNIER, Founder of urban gardener collective Merci Raymond

Can you introduce yourself in a few words?

I am Hugo Meunier, I founded the urban gardener collective Merci Raymond and co-founded restaurant Le Relais. For over four years, I have been dedicating my time to make cities greener and more ‘gourmet’. Since the launch of Merci Raymond, we have planted over 150,000 vegetal units in cities and worked with over 25,000 green thumbs. 


What is your first Opinel memory?

A childhood memory. Mushroom foraging with my father.

Many think Opinel is synonymous with expertise and something to be passed on. What values does Opinel convey to you?

This is exactly what I was about to say. I was proud as a kid to carry a knife that my dad lent me, and when I grew up I got my own.

If you could only choose one Opinel, which would it be?

The Nº08, without a doubt.

Opinel in three words?

Tradition, committed, passionate.

Photo credit : Zanda Photography